SlabJacking of Maine is a subsidiary of Insulation of Maine, Inc.

My name is Jason Lawrence and along with my sons, daughter and my wife of 28 years and proudly serve eastern and down east Maine I have been in the construction trades all my adult life. We are family owned and family operated, you see us from the beginning to the end. The same crews on each of the projects. 

We are proud to bring to the entire state of Maine the premier slabjacking Geotechnical foam by Terrethane and NCFI. Terrathane foam has been an integral part of repairing concrete settlement in the southern United States for over 30 years. We are proud to have a product we install and bring your concrete back to its original place.

Here in Maine and along the coast we have concrete that settles due sandy and clay soils as well as improperly packed and graded surfaces.


What Our Clients Say